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发布时间: 2022-06-28 08:40:33
color: rgb(102, 102, 102); font-family: 瀹?浣?; font-size: 14px; line-height: 22px;"> Ap是Advanced Placement的缩写,即美国大学/" target="_blank">大学预修课程/" target="_blank">课程。指由collegeboard提供的在高中/" target="_blank">高中授课的大学课程。美国高中生可以选修这些课程,在完成课业后参加ap考试/" target="_blank">考试,得到一定的成绩后可以获得大学学分。一般修一门大学的课程要花费/" target="_blank">花费数千美元,而参加AP考试只需要82美金,因此选修Ap课程不仅可以展现学生/" target="_blank">学生的能力,它还是一种省钱/" target="_blank">省钱的措施。    这其中AP经济学有两门独立的考试:一是微观经济学,二是宏观经济学。每门考试设立的对象,都是有志于在高中阶段完成大学第一学期入门课程学习的有条件的学生。下面为大家介绍AP经济学考试中的13个要点,希望对大家的AP考试能够有所帮助。  1 、Fundamentals of Economic Analysis   Scarce Resources  Production Possibilities  Functions of Economic Systems  2、 Demand, Supply, Market Equilibrium, and Welfare Analysis  Demand  Supply  Market Equilibrium  Welfare Analysis  3、Elasticity, Microeconomic Policy, and Consumer Theory  Elasticity  Microeconomic Policy and Applications of Elasticity  Consumer Choice  4、The Firm, Profit, and the Costs of Production  Firms, Opportunity Costs, and Profits  Production and Cost  5、Market Structures, Perfect Competition, Monopoly, and Things Between  Perfect Competition  Monopoly  Monopolistic Competition  Oligopoly  6、Factor Markets  Factor Demand  Least-Cost Hiring of Multiple Inputs  Factor Supply and Market Equilibrium  Imperfect Competition in Product and Factor Markets  7、Public Goods, Externalities, and the Role of Government  Public Goods and Spillover Benefits  Pollution and Spillover Costs  Income Distribution and Tax Structures  8、 Macroeconomic Measures of Performance  The Circular Flow Model  Accounting for Output and Income  Inflation and the Consumer Price Index  Unemployment  9、 Consumption, Saving, Investment, and the Multiplier  Consumption and Saving  Investment  The Multiplier Effect  10、Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply  Aggregate Demand  Aggregate Supply  Macroeconomic Equilibrium  The Trade-off Between Inflation and Unemployment  11、Fiscal Policy, Economic Growth, and Productivity  Expansionary and Contractionary Fiscal Policy  Difficulties of Fiscal Policy  Economic Growth and Productivity  12、Money, Banking, and Monetary Policy  Money and Financial Assets  Fractional Reserve Banking and Money Creation  Monetary Policy  13、 International Trade  Comparative Advantage and Gains from Trade  Balance of Payments  Foreign Exchange Rates  Trade Barriers  以上就是AP经济学考试的13个要点,AP经济学每门考试都要求至少一学期的大学程度的学习。在同一年中,学生可以只参加一门考试或两门都参加。每门考试都各有一个分数。
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